Digitised videolessons

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO digitised videolessons have the following characteristics:
contents modularity that allows the student to access to specific level of competence;
indexing of the subjects that favours hypertextual navigation; indexing will also play the role of a cognitive map showing the student the different training paths and this way becoming a cognitive tool useful to strengthen memory and stimulate hypertextual navigation.
bookmarks that play an essential role: they are graphical icons that will blink and turn on during the lesson to lead the student in an hypertextual way to the information included in the:
- Practical exercises and the Virtual Laboratory to integrate the theoretical knowledge acquired with practical work through a “learning-by-doing” learning process;
- Training material linked to the video-lessons;
- Media Library for more-in-depth study to be carried on using the texts stored into the database
- Virtual Classrooms where, both synchronically and diachronically through videoconferencing, chats, video-chats and discussion forums he will be able to:
- Access to collaborative and cooperative online with other students;
- Start a dialogue of a Socratic kind with the professor that can support and help him during his training process;
- Interact with the other actors of the educational process coming from other cultural and linguistic contexts with a view to learn in global and not in a local perspective;
- Fully investigate a specific subject in websites that were selected by the professor.
Through the fruition of the digitised video-lessons, a possibility will be given not only to start symbolic-reconstructive learning processes, linked to the classical linear mode of teaching, but, thanks to the modular organization of contents, to the indexing of subjects, to bookmarks, the student will be able to develop hypertextual and multimedia learning processes that will allow to enrich and improve the meta-cognitive strategies, that will favour the customisation of the learning processes and will thus allow to promote active, constructive and interactive learning processes.