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  • TV Schedule (october 2013)

    Video-lesson TV programme schedule on Rai NETTUNO Sat.

    SPX Module 6: Economic and financial toolkit for investment analysis      
    List of lessons Professor day time (CET)
    Lesson n. 2: Analyzing the investment costs Raffaele Oriani  01/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 3: The financial coverage 1° part: an overview of the sources of finance Raffaele Oriani  02/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 4: The financial coverage 2° part: debt and equity financing Raffaele Oriani  03/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 5: The financial coverage 3 part: cost of capital Raffaele Oriani  04/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 6: The financial performance measurement - 1° part: an overview of the financial statements Raffaele Oriani  05/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 7: The financial performance measurement - 2° part: static indicators Raffaele Oriani  06/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 8: The financial performance measurement - 3° part: introduction to dynamic indicators Raffaele Oriani  07/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 9: The financial performance measurement - 4° part: the discounting process Raffaele Oriani  08/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 10: The financial performance measurement - 5° part: time value and operations cash flows Raffaele Oriani  09/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 11: The financial performance measurement - 6° part: dynamic payback and net present value Raffaele Oriani  10/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 12: The financial performance measurement - 7° part: IRR and NPVR Raffaele Oriani  11/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 13: The financial performance measurement -8° part: criteria vs. indicators Raffaele Oriani  12/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 14: The risk analysis -1° part Raffaele Oriani  13/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 15: The risk analysis - 2°part Raffaele Oriani  14/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 16: The economic analysis: general considerations Raffaele Oriani  15/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 17: The economic analysis: structure Raffaele Oriani  16/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 18: Economic pricing- 1° part Raffaele Oriani  17/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 19: Economic pricing - 2° part Raffaele Oriani  18/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 20: Economic pricing- 3° part Raffaele Oriani  19/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 21: Methods of economic analysis: the economic cost-benefit analysis - 1° part Raffaele Oriani  20/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 22: Methods of economic analysis: the economic cost-benefit analysis - 2° part   Raffaele Oriani  21/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 23: Methods of economic analysis: the value added - 1° part Raffaele Oriani  22/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 24: Methods of economic analysis: the the value added - 2° part Raffaele Oriani  24/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 25: Methods of economic analysis: others issues Raffaele Oriani  25/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15



    EDIP Module 1: Training of Entrepreneur       
    List of lessons Professor day time (CET)
    Lesson n. 4: Business opportunity identification. Part one Hussein Hashim 26/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 5: Business opportunity identification. Part two Hussein Hashim 27/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 6: Entrepreneur selection  Afif Barhoumi 28/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15
    Lesson n. 7: Interviews – Introduction   29/10/2013 9.05 - 17.15