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  • عربي
  • The role of UNIDO

    The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation – UNIDO supports developping countries
    (DC) and the least developed countries in order to promote sustainable industrial development and international cooperation among business companies. With its 42 offices in developping countries and in cooperation with its 173 member countries, the UNIDO tries to attain this goal by mobilising human, knowledge and technological resources able of increasing production employment and an economic development that is aware of ecological and environmental questions.
    More specifically, UNIDO:
    -    Supplies course contents that will be adapted and consolidated to be delivered on the distance mode based on UNINETTUNO didactic model
    -    Coordinates all project activities in its head office in Vienna
    -    Supplies teachers, technical staff and administrative staff in the three Governorates of Baghdad, Erbil and Thi Qar.
